Friday, February 8, 2019


There is no such thing.

Aging is inevitable. How strange to process the idea that life isn't infinitely sprawled out in front of us. I can sense the path traveled now, and I can sense the finality of the path. I've gone far enough in life to now appreciate that. How strange it is...

A dear friend invited me over for a glass of wine this evening, and she shared with me an interesting question that she asks herself, "What age would I be if I woke up and was the age that I feel?" She asked if I feel 45. I do in the sense of how far I've come, and how tangible life's limit seems to be now. In my body I do, which is cool because I feel that I've finally (in the last 3 years or so) discovered how to access my body, to live in my body, more than I could when I was younger and spent all my time in my head.

But emotionally, mentally? I feel like a gawky, immature, self-conscious twenty-something. My brain is definitely not what I imagined a 45 year old would wield, wise and confident, bold and sharp-witted, worldly and elegant. I'm still a dundering child under this skull most of the time.

My plan is to age, as they say, with grace. To stay fit and get more playful. To be of service and put myself out there, self-consciously or otherwise. To explore my eccentricities and embrace them.

I will be pro-aging, pro-growth, pro-adventure and mystery, and pro-FUN.

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