Thursday, December 20, 2018

To Write a Book...

...first you have to start.

This is on my bucket list - publishing a book - and I want it to be on the short list.

I met up with an author acquaintance of mine at a holiday party, and she gave me simple, practical advise: keep a file, and whenever you think of something (a quote, a moment, an idea) related to your book topic, just jot it down and put it in the file.

Brilliant. Break it down into small bits. I can do this. And I will start immediately.

I am going to write a book this coming year. At least the skeleton of a book that I can build on and turn into something I'm proud of. I've always felt like an author, and I every time I wander the shelves of a bookstore I think, "Man, these guys all just decided to write books! They didn't say, oh, there are so many books already...They knew the world needed more books!"  My voice will be among them.

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