Thursday, May 23, 2019

Lifting UP

How amazing is it when you bring intention to something and it just goes? Exactly as you wanted it to. How much of our life is brought on by our own thinking? This mind that is so busy busy busy interpreting everything from this single perspective that we auto-pilot our life with.

I've been exploring this with my yoga practice and my running (okay, jogging. okay, slow plodding). I can bring so much heaviness if I let myself; trying to flow like water can feel heavy; rooting into the earth to steady myself and lock my core is super heavy. I can turn on the fire, especially with good, butt-kicking music. And I can explore what air brings - lightness - and that seems to be the most powerful. Ironically, really. The lighter I can make myself, the stronger I seem to become. The longer I can hold the pose. The taller I can be in the pose, reaching my fingers higher and higher. The farther I can run; farther than I believed possible. Lightness. Not brute strength. Not rooting down; the only purpose in rooting to the ground is to push against it for lightness. Air. Lift. Openness. Awesomeness.

How much better are those moments with my kids when I can lighten up? (!) Stop being so stubbornly serious like I have to make a point. The only "point" I'm making is that I'm not compassionate or understanding or sensitive to their point of view. And with my kids it seems like softness combined with lightness is the ultimate combo. Loving. Uplifting.

I want to think about this visually when I consider abundance. Not like an airy gaseous vapor that dissipates and dilutes into the air. But an expansive light - a halo of light - a blooming of energy.

Everything is possible when I lift up -- up and out of the stuff that doesn't serve me.

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