Monday, February 4, 2019

Getting Unstuck

I almost didn't go.

I cancelled out of the class actually, and then 20 minutes before it was scheduled to start I tore around the house trying to get ready fast enough (damn cast) and showed up just as class was starting and had to hunt for an open space.

I almost didn't go, because I was so pissed and sad and uncertain about my injury. But then I decided, "Now or never," and threw myself into the studio. And I'm so glad I did.

Shannon had an amazing class that I could actually do most of, and the message she decided to share was about getting stuck. Getting stuck and taking a moment, before freaking out and maybe getting MORE stuck, to think about what might really be needed. Like maybe a slower speed, or spinning the wheels a bit to gain deeper traction, or a change in direction, or maybe even a little rocking back and forth to gain some forward momentum.

Somehow, having an injury peeled back my coolness, my take-for-grantedness, my closed-up-mindedness, and made me hear the message in it's raw, pulsating form. Yes. I have been stuck. So stuck in the muck and tired of spinning and not sure which direction to go but sitting still scares me to death so I keep whirling around, clawing at mud, desperate to find higher ground...and I needed to hear that it's okay to pause. To consider. That spinning wheels might not be the right thing. Maybe there's a different way forward.

So breathe. Cry. Consider. Let go. See the horizon and give it a bit. Let the dust settle. Maybe the path forward is just clouded by all the ruckus.

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Today was a tough yoga class. For whatever reason Shannon was intent on pushing our limits more than normal - I had to really work to get ...