Saturday, January 12, 2019


I wish I'd gone to yoga today. It would have been a more productive, focused day. This is why routine and ritual is so helpful. Keeping things moving forward.

Instead, I had what I'll call a stagnant day. A lost day. Wasted. And full of unease because of it.

Unease. I looked it up and it's basically anxiety. I'm panicking over this consultancy I've launched. I don't have a pipeline of projects and I'm still far too broad in my interest areas, not having set a specific focus and speciality. I'm scared that the work won't come. That it won't come at a good enough pace. That the work I have will dwindle away as my clients run out of project funds.

None of this serves me.

I have a quote on my wall in front of me right now:

Worry invests in something you don't want to happen. Invest in something else.

Tomorrow there will be exercise to focus my brain and find my breath. Tomorrow I will make a plan for the week ahead - one that is immediately actionable and will lead to future projects. And tomorrow I will enjoy the snow day with my kids that it seems we're going to wake up to.

Suck it Unease. I don't have time for you.

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Today was a tough yoga class. For whatever reason Shannon was intent on pushing our limits more than normal - I had to really work to get ...